Download hitman absolution contracts for free
Download hitman absolution contracts for free

To summarise, we will be temporarily closing the Hitman Absolution Contracts Mode server before the end of May and removing the option to purchase Contracts Mode DLC for the game until further notice. To be compliant with the GDPR changes on May 25th and to give our players advanced warning, as well as the time that it will take to remove the DLC from sale, we needed to make a tough decision. We want to keep the servers running and we have been investigating various ways to make that possible. That ownership lies with the game’s original publisher. This change has been forced upon us due to a combination of incoming GDPR rules and the fact that we do not have ownership of the Absolution Contracts Mode servers.

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We need to temporarily close the Hitman Absolution servers for Contracts Mode and remove all Contracts Mode DLC for sale from all platforms. We wanted to give you a heads-up about an incoming change to Hitman Absolution.

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