Company of heroes 2 how to counter superior russian infantry as okw?
Company of heroes 2 how to counter superior russian infantry as okw?

company of heroes 2 how to counter superior russian infantry as okw?

Thats when you go full arty on these buildings(flares upgrade or sniper can call in arty). Anyway once you start to pust them back you can pretty much keep them lock down near their forward base structure. Also dont forget to upgrade infantry section with medkits and at least one squad with arty flares(or you can get sniper if you trust your micro skills). Both tactics are munitions depended so you may have to get the munitions points. Commando regiment is slightly different instead of equipping your squads with brens you can use mortar ability of the commander and combine it with assault(buffs your infantry). I either go for commando regiment or special weapons regiment. Once you have an Attack Ground unit you can no. This week we are expanding your bag of tricks some moreOne of the advanced uses for the ground attack command is to remotely trigger enemy mines and demolition charges. You can spice up the enagagements with mortar pits and hmg. Sunday, Last week we highlighted the some basic uses of the Attack Ground command. Also dont forget this: Never enagage with 1 squad against many OKW squads. Also meanwhile you have to upgrade your base tiers and get some AT gun(or tank hunter squad from same commander) if you do it right you can pretty much get centaur or cromwell and finish them off. Whenever you have the resources or the right commander ability(like special weapons regiment supply half truck can drop vickers), i equip said infantry with brens or vickers and wipe them out. Originally posted by Skaldy:easy, when i see OKW i just train 3 Infantry section and use cover and range to bleed them dry.

Company of heroes 2 how to counter superior russian infantry as okw?